20/20 Vision Hack

1423 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 10
1423 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 10

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Dec 15, 2020, 05:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 17, 2021, 07:59 AM UTC (UTC)
Project Building Phase
starts on:
Feb 05, 2021, 05:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Apr 01, 2021, 06:59 AM UTC (UTC)


Submission Guideline

Phase 1

These are the guidelines to be followed during the Phase 1 of the hackathon:

Intel have a special prize for the First 100 participants that complete the OpenVINO “Colab”, simply complete the tutorial, take a screenshot, and follow the details of how to win in your welcome email, keep an eye out for it when you register. 

Written submission – To make it as easy as possible to share the key information please submit your industry theme in the format described below:  

  • Problem – Describe in approx. 100 words the industrial problem you have identified and its impact. 
  • Solution – Describe at a high level how using machine vision AI is key to solving the problem, and what action the solution will take from its AI decision making (100 words) 
  • Return of investment – Describe the benefits and value of the solution to the industry. For example, this can be cost saving, time, efficiency, higher quality production, more revenue, etc. Also include a researched reference to the potential Return on Investment or a business impact statement.  (100 Words)
  • Societal – Describe the impact the solution has on the people who use it or benefit from it and any ethical/environment implications.  (100 Words)

You can download this submission template to ensure that your submission follows the submission guidelines. If you suffer an issue where you are unable to upload the PPT file, try converting to PDF, alternatively It maybe down to your internet connection, you could try using and sharing via google docs or similar service to share an open link to access the slide deck. If anyone has a major challenge with sharing their deck, please copy and past the wording into the submission, and advise in the submission that you were unable to upload and we can contact you directly to get access to it via an alternative method.

Phase 2

10 submissions will be progressed through to stage 2 based on a judging panel.

The stage 2 winners will receive an ADLINK Vizi-AI Machine Developer Kit to be used in the prototype solution.

Included with Vizi-AI is the ADLINK Edge Vision Platform, which has been designed to make creating AI vision solutions very simple, accelerates time to market and allows you to focus on the problem. By using ADLINK Edge, you get support of the software infrastructure required for your solution on ADLINK hardware and you know that should more powerful hardware be required in real world deployments, your solution will be able to transfer over to those ADLINK hardware devices that best match.

By using Intel OpenVINO, you make best use of the Intel CPU, GPU and VPU accelerators for your hardware as well as the software features to make AI model building and execution more efficient.

Direct support for prototype phase participants will be via a slack hack channel to mentors. There will also be a number of livestream short coaching sessions from ADLINK, Intel and OpenVINO team members.

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