20/20 Vision Hack

1423 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 10
1423 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 10

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Dec 15, 2020, 05:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 17, 2021, 07:59 AM UTC (UTC)
Project Building Phase
starts on:
Feb 05, 2021, 05:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Apr 01, 2021, 06:59 AM UTC (UTC)



  • You need to be at least 18 years old to participate in this hackathon.

  • This is a team participation hackathon. You can have at most 10 members in your team.

  • You can either invite your friends to form a team or you can request other teams to add you as a member.

  • It's an online hackathon, you can participate from anywhere.

  • There are 4 themes of the hackathon, you must submit a hack that is in one of these themes.

  • Once the hackathon starts, you will get an option to submit your hack, you can submit as many times as you want, the last hack will be considered as the final submission.

  • You are expected to come up with new and innovative ideas, any idea that has been copied from somewhere will be disqualified.

  • Your hack must be developed entirely during the Hackathon duration. You may use open source libraries and other freely available systems / services such as Google Maps, Facebook Connect, Twitter feeds etc.

  • The intellectual property of your code belongs only to your team.

  • By participating in the hackathon, you agree to the terms and conditions of HackerEarth.

Terms and Conditions

ADLINK Hackathon Rules


These are the official rules for the ADLINK 20/20 Vision Hackathon (the ‘Rules’).

The ADLINK Hackathon is sponsored by AMPRO ADLINK TECHNOLOGY INC., of 5215 Hellyer Avenue, #110, San Jose, CA 95138, USA, the ‘Hackathon Organizer’ and hosted by HackerEarth Inc. of 550 Bryant St, Suite 2K, San Francisco, CA 94107, a Company incorporated in the state of Delaware, USA (‘HackerEarth’).

By participating in the ADLINK Hackathon You (the “Participant”) accept these Rules. By accepting these Rules, you are entering into a binding agreement with AMPRO ADLINK TECHNOLOGY INC.

Additionally, by participating You confirm that You have read and provide your consent to HackerEarth’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

  1. Definitions
    • Hackathon Website: https://2020visionhack.hackerearth.com/
    • HackerEarth Platform: The innovation-management platform on which the ADLINK Hackathon is hosted, HackerEarth Sprint, accessible at www.hackerearth.com.
    • Participant, You: Each individual who has registered for the ADLINK Hackathon, which shall include each members of a Team that is formed for the ADLINK Hackathon
    • Partner: Intel Corporation a co-sponsor of the ADLINK Hackathon.
    • Privacy Policy: the policy which sets out how we look after and use personal data and sets out individuals privacy rights available at https://www.hackerearth.com/privacy/.
    • Submission: Any solution that a Participant submits for the problem statement of the ADLINK Hackathon.
    • Team: Group of Participants who will participate collectively in the ADLINK Hackathon and meet the requirements in Section 4.
    • Terms of Service: Rules that you must follow while using HackerEarth’s services, including the HackerEarth Platform available at https://www.hackerearth.com/terms-of-service/

  2. The title of the ADLINK Hackathon is ADLINK 20/20 Vision Hackathon
  4. The main objective of the ADLINK Hackathon is to crowdsource ideas and solutions to an impending problem statement. Participants (individually or as a Team) will be invited to create solutions for the problem statement (“Submissions”) which will be broken down into two stages.

    The first phase (Phase 1) requires a written submission consisting of Problem Identification, proposed Solution and additional information regarding the benefits and value of the Solution. Please see the Guidelines for more information. If Participants are declared a winner of Phase 1, they will progress to the second phase (Phase 2) which requires Participants to develop a prototype solution based on their Phase 1 entry. They must use the ADLINK Vizi-AI Machine Developer Kit which they will receive together with the ADLINK Edge Vision Platform and Intel OpenVINO software.

    Participants will receive support for Phase 2 via a slack hack channel to identified mentors. There will also be a number of livestream short coaching sessions from ADLINK and Intel OpenVINO team members.

  5. Eligibility
  6. To be eligible to participate in the ADLINK Hackathon a Participant must be 18 (eighteen) years or older at the time of registration.

    The following rules apply to HackerEarth and ADLINK employees:

    • Employees of HackerEarth Inc. and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, contractors, interns, agents, judges, relatives of HackerEarth’s employees, and advertising and promotion agencies may participate in the ADLINK Hackathon but will not be eligible to win prizes.
    • The ADLINK Hackathon is not open to officers, directors, employees, and advisory board members (and their immediate families and members of the same household) of Ampro ADLINK Technology Inc, or its affiliates, and its interns, contractors, agents, judges, and respective affiliates who are professionally connected with the competition or its administration.
  7. Teams
  8. A Participant may either participate in his individual capacity or collaborate with more than one Participant to form a Team. Each Team member must be a single individual with a single, active HackerEarth account. Each Team member must register individually as a Participant for the ADLINK Hackathon before joining a Team. Participants are not allowed to share content regarding Submissions, codes, or data with anybody who does not belong to their Team and may not let any third party participate on their behalf.

  9. Team Size
  10. For the purpose of the ADLINK Hackathon, the Hackathon Organizer has determined that the maximum participants in a team will be limited to 10 (ten) Participants. Teams may not exceed the maximum Team size and if a Team has more than 10 Participants, the Team (together with the Participants) will be disqualified by the Hackathon Organizer.

  11. Single Account
  12. Participants may only participate using a single, unique HackerEarth account registered at http://www.hackerearth.com. Participating in the ADLINK Hackathon using more than one HackerEarth account per individual Participant is a breach of these rules and will result in the disqualification of the Team and/or the Participant by the Hackathon Organizer.

  13. Ethics and Code of Conduct
  14. A Participant must comply with these Rules and the Terms of Service.

    HackerEarth and the Hackathon Organizer reserve the right to disqualify any Participant who acts in breach of the Rules. HackerEarth and/or the Hackathon Organizer further reserve all rights to disqualify a Participant if their conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the ADLINK Hackathon such as by using unfair means.

    Additional criteria for disqualification include:

    • Any required documentation (reasonably required) is not submitted within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt of any request to provide documentation
    • Participant of a Team is disqualified for any reason

    The right to terminate Participant accounts and disqualify Submissions remains with the Hackathon Organizer

    Disqualification from the ADLINK Hackathon means that you may also be disqualified from any other hackathons or competitions run by the Hackathon Organizer or HackerEarth.

    Upon disqualification, each Participant’s access to the HackerEarth Platform will be terminated for an indefinite period. The Participant understands that disqualification of a Participant can lead to the disqualification of the full Team.

    If you are disqualified, you are no longer eligible for a prize and, if applicable, must return any prize awarded prior to disqualification. Any unclaimed/reclaimed prizes will be redistributed to the next eligible entry.

  15. Dates and Deadlines
  16. The ADLINK Hackathon will run from 09:00 PST on December 15th 2020 (the "Opening Date") to March 31st 2021 23:59pm PST (the "Closing Date") inclusive and will consist of 2 Phases. To be eligible to win the prizes, a Participant must complete the respective Phases.

    Phase 1 - from 09:00 PST on December 15th 2020 (the "Phase 1 Opening Date") to January 16th 2021 23:59pm PST on (the "Phase 1 Submission Closing Date")

    Phase 2 - from 09:00 PST on February 5th 2021 (the "Phase 2 Opening Date") to March 31st 2021 23:59pm PST (the "Phase 2 Submission Closing Date")

    All Submission entries must be received by no later than the time indicated above on the respective Closing Dates. All competition entries received after the Closing Date are automatically disqualified.

    Note: The above ADLINK Hackathon deadlines are subject to change and additional deadlines may be introduced during the term of the ADLINK Hackathon. Any additional or altered deadlines, not already described in these rules, will be updated on the Hackathon Website for the Participant’s information and the Participant will be bound by such changes. The Participant agrees that they will monitor the Hackathon Website regularly to get information about new or updated deadlines. Neither HackerEarth nor the Hackathon Organizer is responsible for any Participant's failure to do so.

  17. Data Collection
  18. HackerEarth will collect your personal information as specified by the Hackathon Organizer. In all events HackerEarth shall protect any personal identifying information provided by Participants in accordance with the Privacy Policy and agrees to act in compliance with all laws relating to the use, protection and privacy of personal data from time to time applicable. For the purposes of the Rules, the following data will be collected by HackerEarth and shared with the Hackathon Organizer:

    • Full Name
    • Title
    • Email address (professional and personal)
    • Profile/display picture
    • Country, state, postcode or city of residence
    • Login name, screen name, nickname, or handle
    • Name(s) of workplace
    • Job position/designation
    • Information related to social profiles, such as Facebook, Google, GitHub etc.
    • User profile URL

    For those Participants that progress to Phase 2, the Hackathon Organizer/HackerEarth will also require a postal or other physical address.

    All the submissions made during the ADLINK Hackathon including any personally identifiable information that the submissions may contain.

    In addition, data belonging to the Winners of Phase 1 (defined in Section 14) will also be shared with the Partner.


    To participate in the ADLINK Hackathon, Participants are required to submit their material on the HackerEarth Platform. All Submissions must be made on or before the respective Closing Date(s) and must meet all the Submission Guidelines published at < ahref="https://2020visionhack.hackerearth.com/challenges/hackathon/adlink/custom-tab/submission-guideline/#Submission%20Guideline" target="_blank">Submission Guidelines Tab All Submissions that the Participants make must be original and unique. As the ADLINK Hackathon is being conducted in multiple phases, the relevant Submissions must be made on or before the Closing Date for each Phase.

    A Submission may not be eligible to win a prize if it is affected by/falls under the following criteria:

    • It is late, lost, stolen, damaged, distorted, incomplete, incorrect, or misdirected submissions and communication
    • It contains errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, or delays in operations or during transmission of information irrespective of whether these difficulties have occurred because of technical failures or malfunctions of computer hardware, software, communication devices, or transmission lines
    • It has issues with data corruption, theft, loss, destruction, and alteration of submission details
    • Unauthorized access to submissions
    • It was affected by undelivered electronic communication or emails because of any active or passive filters applied or insufficient space in the email account to which the email was sent
    • Any damage to a computer system during participation or while accessing or downloading information
  19. Data and Resources
  20. ‘Data and Resources’ means: data, software, datasets, or any other resources that are provided to the participants to use during the ADLINK Hackathon, including but not limited to prototypes, executable codes, or a sandbox instance. The relevant Data and Resources will be provided to the Participants either by HackerEarth or by the Hackathon Organizer, and, where applicable will be provided under separate license terms.

    Rules for using Data and Resources Participants will use Data and Resources only as strictly permitted and defined by HackerEarth and/or by the Hackathon Organizer. Data and Resources will be used solely for the purpose of the ADLINK Hackathon and for the duration of the ADLINK Hackathon only.

    In respect of the Data and Resources, Participants are permitted to;

    • Access, read, learn, analyze, and modify the Data and Resources
    • Discuss the Data and Resources on the Hackathon Website in forum discussions
    • Participants are prohibited from doing the following except where expressly required to be able to participate in the ADLINK Hackathon:
      • Copying, storing, or archiving the Data and Resources
      • Using the Data and Resources for any purpose other than participating in ADLINK Hackathon
      • Repackaging and selling the Data and Resources
      • Downloading the Data and Resources in bulk
      • Exploiting the Data and Resources in a manner that is unethical and against the spirit of hackathons
      • Using the Data and Resources in contravention of any applicable license terms.

    The Data and Resources and all associated Intellectual Property Rights are the property of Hackathon Organizer, its affiliated companies, or its licensors. Participant acquires no title, right or interest in the Data and Resources other than the license granted herein.

    Each Participant agrees that participating in the ADLINK Hackathon does not grant him/her any right of ownership to the Data and Resources.

    The Participant will use suitable measures to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access, transmitting, duplicating, publishing, and distributing the Data and Resources. Each Participant also agrees to notify HackerEarth in the event of any possible unauthorized transmission or access to the Data and Resources and agrees to work with HackerEarth and/or the Hackathon Organizer to remedy any unauthorized transmission/access.

  21. Open-Source Code
  22. A Submission will not be eligible for a prize if it is developed using code that contains open source code or is based on software that has an open source license unless the code:

    • Is part of an open-source initiative approved license. For more information, see http://opensource.org/and
    • possesses an open-source license which does not restrict commercial use or require publication of source code.
  23. Prizes
  24. By agreeing to participate in this ADLINK Hackathon, the Participant agrees to subject their Submission to evaluation that is based on certain predefined criteria set by the Hackathon Organizer.

    The ADLINK Hackathon has two stages. The Submissions for Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be judged by a panel of judges. The winners for each phase will be the Submission(s) that best fulfills all the predefined criteria for that Phase, which will be decided solely by the judges and this decision of the panel of judges (acting reasonably) will be final and binding on the Participants. A list of names of the judges can be viewed on https://sprint.hackerearth.com/challenges/hackathon/admin/adlink/judges/.

    Phase 1

    The 10 Phase 1 Winners be rewarded with the chance to participate in Phase 2 and will receive 1 free ADLINK Vizi-AI per Team with a 3-month evaluation License for the ADLINK EDGE Product.

    Phase 2

    The participating Team(s) or Participants who submitted the ‘Winning Submission(s)’ for Phase 2 will be rewarded as follows:

    • The Participant(s) responsible for the ‘Winning Submission(s)’ will be declared the ‘Winner(s)’ of the ADLINK Hackathon.
    • Each Team will receive $10,000 USD; and
    • The Team will receive go-to-market validation of the Winning Submission, working with the ADLINK Edge Software team This will include market validation; preparation of a marketing campaign and sales training as follows:
      • Market Validation of the Winning Submission
      • Use Case PDF collateral
      • Demo Video
      • Press Release
      • Social Media campaign
      • Creation of a go to market plan
      • Partner training

    The cash prize will be disbursed to the Participants’ bank accounts provided to Hackathon Organizer for this purpose. All the prize money mentioned above will be subject to the applicable rate of tax, which will be deducted at source and any withholding taxes.

    Note: HackerEarth will communicate with the Winners directly and obtain necessary information to facilitate the disbursement of prize money. If you participate in the ADLINK Hackathon as part of a Team and win, then the prizes are cumulatively awarded to each Participant of the Team. In the case of a cash prize, the total amount is distributed equally among all the Participants who are a part of the Team.

  25. Intellectual Property.
  26. “Intellectual Property Rights” means ownership rights in ideas, inventions, discoveries, improvements, modifications, enhancements, trade secrets, designs, business models, software and code, derivatives, know-how, processes, methodologies, technical information, data, test results, information, concepts, and works of authorship, whether patentable or otherwise protectable under the laws of the United States or any other jurisdiction, or not and whether reduced to practice or not, and all related intellectual property, including, but not limited to patents and patent applications (including, but not limited to, all reissues, continuations, continuations-in-part, revisions, extensions, divisionals, designs, and re-examinations thereof), copyrights, mask works, trademarks, trade secrets, and other forms of intellectual property protections related thereto, including all applications, certifications, and registrations therefor.

    By participating in the ADLINK Hackathon and accepting these Rules, each Participant hereby:

    • Declares that the Submission and associated content is an original work and in no way violates, in whole or in part, the Intellectual or industrial Property Rights of others and releases HackerEarth and the Hackathon Organizer from any and all responsibility, liability, or request for compensation for damages that should be made by any third party.
    • Acknowledges that Submission and associated content submitted is the property of the Participant, which takes full responsibility for ensuring such rights of ownership, Intellectual Property Rights and originality within the limits of the law (e.g. filing of patents and other such registrations as appropriate).

    You agree that Hackathon Organizer and its affiliates exclusively own and shall retain all worldwide right, title, and interest in and to the Hackathon Organizer materials (including the Data and Resources), and Hackathon Organizer’s trademarks, service marks, logos, trade dress, trade names, or service names (combined “Hackathon Organizer Marks”), patents and patent applications, and copyrights, including without limitations, all Hackathon Organizer Intellectual Property Rights therein (collectively “Hackathon Organizer IP”). No title to or ownership of any Hackathon Organizer IP is granted (express or implied) or otherwise transferred to You or Your Team or any other entity or persons under the Agreements. Any rights not expressly granted herein are withheld. You and Your Team agree to cooperate with Hackathon Organizer to maintain Hackathon Organizer’s ownership of the Hackathon Organizer IP, and You agree to promptly provide notice of any claims relating to the foregoing.

    You and Your Team will retain ownership of Your Submissions and associated content except to the extent of any Hackathon Organizer Materials, Hackathon Organizer technologies, and/or Hackathon Organizer IP embodied or incorporated therein in accordance with the Rules and subject to Hackathon Organizer’s ownership of any Hackathon Organizer IP. You and Your Team agree to and hereby provide Hackathon Organizer a paid-up, royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide license for noncommercial use of Your Submissions and associated content, and further agree to provide Hackathon Organizer with the right of first refusal to negotiate in good faith for a license for commercial use of any of Your Submissions.

    Nothing in the Rules grant You and/or Your Team any rights to use any Hackathon Organizer Marks, during or after the completion of the ADLINK Hackathon.

    You hereby waive any and all claims that You or Your Team may have against Hackathon Organizer or anyone organizing, judging, or associated with the ADLINK Hackathon. You also acknowledge that Hackathon Organizer has access to many ideas, concepts, inventions, technologies, and intellectual property, many of which may be similar or identical to Your Submissions, and You and Your Team will not have any claim against Hackathon Organizer or be entitled to any compensation as a result of Hackathon Organizer’s use of similar or identical material as presented or embodied in Your Submissions and associated content. You and Your Team agree that Hackathon Organizer is not responsible for any unauthorized use of Your Submissions and associated content, in whole or in part, by any third party. You also acknowledge and agree that Hackathon Organizer or other Participants or third parties may have developed or commissioned works which are similar to the Submission of Participant or Participant’s Team, or may develop something similar in the future, and each Participant waives any claims that Participant may have resulting from any similarities to the Submissions and associated content of Participant or Participant’s Team.

    Without limiting the foregoing, Participants agree that the Hackathon Organizer may fail to attribute you as the author of the content, and that the Hackathon Organizer may publish an edited or adapted version of your Submissions and associated content, for legal, editorial or operations reasons.

  27. Winner’s Obligations
  28. As a Winner of Phase 1 or Phase 2 or both You are obligated to be in adherence to the published Rules failing which the Hackathon Organizer reserves the right to disqualify your submission. The Hackathon Organizer may also ask you to fix all the issues that are identified in your Submission including but not limited to the resolution of any licensing conflicts, fulfillment of all requirements for relevant software licenses, and removal of anything that violates software restrictions and such obligations will survive the completion of the ADLINK Hackathon.

    The Winner will make the final submission in accordance with the Submission Guidelines of the Hackathon Organizer. When you accept a prize, you agree to the use of your name, and/or prize information by HackerEarth and the Hackathon Organizer for promotional purposes through any medium without any additional compensation.

    In addition, the Winner(s) of Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 agree to sign a Personal Release Form for Partner as well as Hackathon Organizer to be able to use their projects/testimonials/stories as part of our marketing/outreach to feature them.

  29. Warranties and Obligations.
  30. Registration Participants must adhere to the following conditions when registering for the ADLINK Hackathon:

    • All account details must be complete and accurate
    • If any information given by Participants during registration is incomplete or inaccurate, then the Participant and Team registration may be rejected or terminated and all Submissions may be disqualified

    Laws and Regulations Participation in hackathons is subject to local laws and regulations. Participants are solely responsible for the following:

    • Checking, analyzing and complying with laws and regulations that are applicable before participating in the ADLINK Hackathon. This enables verification that participation and any receipt of awards is legal according to the laws and regulations.
    • Completing, submitting and paying all taxes and reports related to awards or receipts that a Participant may receive as a part of the ADLINK Hackathon.
    • Adhering to your employer’s policies of participating in hackathons. The Hackathon Organizer can deny the liability or responsibility of any hackathon-related disputes that may occur between a Participants’ employer and the Participant. These disputes may lead to the termination of the Participant’s account and disqualification of the Submissions.

    Requirements: Each Participant is solely responsible for (but not limited to) the following requirements during the ADLINK Hackathon:

    • Working computer and Internet connection required to access the Hackathon Website, develop a prototype, and upload Submissions during the online ADLINK Hackathon.
    • Fees associated with services such as availability of telephones, data and resources, hosts etc. during the online ADLINK Hackathon
    • All costs incurred by the Participant or on their behalf while participating in the online ADLINK Hackathon

    Warranties: Each Participant represents and warrants that:

    • All the information entered by Participant on the HackerEarth Platform is true and complete to the best of your knowledge
    • You have granted an unrestricted license to HackerEarth and the Hackathon Organizer to verify and evaluate your Submission.
    • You also declare and represent that your Submission:
      • Represents your original work or is used by the permission of a specific person. If you have used another participant’s submission with their permission, then you must give them credit for their work
      • Does not:
        • Violate or infringe upon the patent rights (registered and pending), industrial design rights, copyrights, trademarks, privacy rights, publicity rights, intellectual rights, any other Intellectual Property rights, and any other rights of any person or entity and does not violate any applicable law, statute, ordinance, rule, or regulation
        • Constitute use of any third party’s confidential/non-public information
        • Contain malicious code, potentially harmful programs such as viruses, time bombs, cancelbots, worms, trojan horses, etc.
        • Contain any self-help code or other disabling code
        • Trigger any reports or royalty obligations to any third party
        • Contain previously published projects and prizes or awards that were won for the same
        • If any of these warranties are violated by your Team members/you, then it may result in the disqualification of the corresponding Submission.

    Limitation of Liability By participating in the ADLINK Hackathon, each Participant agrees to release, indemnify, and hold harmless HackerEarth and the Hackathon Organizer, their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotions agencies, as applicable, and each of their respective agents, representatives, officers, directors, shareholders, and employees from and against any injuries, losses, damages, claims, actions, and any liability of any kind resulting from or arising out of your participation in or association with the ADLINK Hackathon.

    Each Participant agrees that the Hackathon Organizer is not responsible for any miscommunication that may occur during the ADLINK Hackathon because of

    • Technical failures related to computers, telephones, or cables
    • Unavailability of network or server connections
    • Technical failures due to the hardware issues, software issues, or viruses
    • Incomplete, late, or misdirected submissions

    The Hackathon Organizer shall not be liable for any damages or claims that might arise or occur during or in connection with the ADLINK Hackathon, except in cases of intent or gross negligence on the part of the Hackathon Organizer. Participants shall indemnify and hold the Hackathon Organizer harmless from and against any claims of third parties arising from any violation of any third party right or any other unlawful act committed during the ADLINK Hackathon or from any breach of these Rules.

    The Hackathon Organizer reserves the rights to cancel, modify, or suspend the hackathon due to any of the following: Computer viruses, Bugs, Any technical difficulties that are beyond the control of the Hackathon Organizer, Technical difficulties that can affect the administration, security, or execution of the ADLINK Hackathon.

    Reservation of Rights The Hackathon Organizer reserves the right to:

    • Modify the start date and end date of the ADLINK Hackathon
    • Add or remove additional deadlines related to the ADLINK Hackathon
    • Modify or add data to the Hackathon Website

    All material changes to timelines and/or Rules will be communicated by updating the Hackathon Website and sending out an email notification. However, if you do not receive an email notification for reasons outside our control (like incorrect email address, issues with your ISP, email going to the Spam folder, etc.), HackerEarth and the Hackathon Organizer are not responsible for the same or any claims arising therefrom and the Participants agree to waive any such claim.

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